Thursday, April 3, 2014

Grilled greek salad with chicken

Okay, I'm getting a bit repetitive gushing about the wonderful salad recipes in Ellie's Cookbook Weeknight Wonders, but, it's true. Her salads are so good and this one was no exception. Really good!

I'll give you that there are more than 1 million google recipes for a grilled greek salad but that doesn't make it less good, right? I seem to recall one of the Iron Chef's ridiculing the notion of grilling romaine lettuce (Flay?) but it really adds interest and a diversity of texture to the salad. Grilled lemon is fun too. This salad really rocked and was a complete meal! Props to EK for making it good and making it healthy.

The only thing we considered changing next time is a pinch more salt at the end -- Julie added it and said it made all the difference.

Mozzarella,, tHomato, and peach salad

Another great salad from EK. No shock there. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the book is the worth the price for the salads alone! 5 Stars, 10 on 10, get the message. It was super easy to make and only 270 calories. Clean-up a breeze too.

We used a mango instead of a peach (seasonal thing) and the mango delivered enough sweetness to make the salad work. I might suggest a variation to this recipe. (Good chance to see if Ellie actually reads this blog).

Instead of tossing the greens in oil and vinegar, I suggest whisking the oil and vinegar with some finely minced rosemary and an equal part of maple syrup. It'll impact a nice rosemary taste and really work to cut the bitterness of the arugula too. I've made a similar salad before and it's really good.

Thai vegetable curry with tofu

We had time to make dinner last night -- just no time to blog about it. First, credit goes to Julie for cooking this meal from A to Z. She even did the grocery shopping! Thanks sweetheart. This dish started out with an incredible disadvantage. Having had the orange-seseame chicken stir-fry with snow peas the night before, well, it's a little like following Lea Michelle in a talent competition -- it never had a chance!

That said, and given that it was a vegetarian dish, this recipe fought hard to make an impact and it mostly succeeded. We rate it as pretty darned good though maybe a bit bland. I think on the next go-around I'll double the amount of red curry a paste to amp it up a bit.

At 260 calories it was a nice meal to be sure. It took less than 30 minutes and the clean-up was a breeze. If I am ever charged with cooking vegetarian for friends I'd proudly serve this dish (taking full credit for the recipe)!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Orange-sesame chicken stir-fry with snow peas

WOW! This was excellent. One thing about Ellie Krieger -- her salads and her stir-frys are incredible and this one was no exception. Truly and excellent dish and only 370 calories with none of the hidden nasties that so often come with restaurant stir-frys.

My favorite Sous Chef (Julie) handled the wok tonight for dinner - it's her biannual tradition - and she did an outstanding job. I managed the ingredients and prep work but she sautéed the chicken and then managed the wet ingredients. Such a pretty girl in the kitchen or out!. We made no modifications to this recipe although we did zest the orange into thin strips using a zester and left them in the dish. Served with whole-grain rice. Fabulous.

Thanks EK for the great recipe. Thanks too for your sense of humor when I posted the following to twitter.

Ellie Krieger (James) Bearded