Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pumpkin seed pesto wraps

Not quite sure how Ellie came up with this recipe? Whipping pumpkin seeds in a food processor with other savory ingredients? Well, it mostly worked.

For us, it needed a bit more kick or something to make it special. It was certainly good, but it was crying out for something extra -- hot sauce maybe? extra tomatoes? more salt? Not quite sure. It was definitely easy to make (even though messing up my food processor is always low on my priority list) and it was certainly unique. I'd make it again and serve it with a bowl of soup. I have a feeling I am going to be hungry in a few hours

Final note: I bought red lettuce but couldn't find it. It's probably rolling around in the back of my car somewhere. We substituted romaine lettuce leaves. I bet the crunch and flavor of the cabbage would elevate this recipe to a higher level

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