Monday, January 13, 2014

and here we go...

That's us - Jeff and Julie

I really like Ellie Krieger. I like the fact that she comes at cooking from a healthy point of view -- as a nutritionist first, chef second. Through the years I have cooked many of her recipes liking them all and was excited for the release of "Weeknight Wonders." So this time around, as part of an overall effort to get fitter and feel healthier, I decided I would cook every recipe from her new cookbook and then blog about it -- ala Julie and Julia. I think there are 154 total in the book? That's what this blog represents and I'd be remiss if I didn't dedicate it "to Bosley". Buy it here


  1. Wow, guess I'm not the only one wanting to do this, make every recipe in this fabulous cookbook, like Julie & Julia. Good for you!!

  2. btw, I'm not Jepicard. That's my husband. Marilyn Orens here!
