Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thanksgiving skillet dinner WITH Potato mash-up

Was I off my game tonight cooking this one? I don't think so, but maybe. To begin, it all tasted perfectly good especially considering it was 510 calories total! I haven't been making the entire recipe (cooking for 2 instead of 4) but tonight I cooked for four. My gigantic 17-year-old got a double portion. HE WAS DONE BEFORE ME!

The Turkey was nicely breaded and flavorful. I might have added more paprika to it for a bit more unique flavor. I ended up buying a turkey breast and making my own cutlets because I could not find cutlets for sale. (Turkey noodle soup for lunch tomorrow). I will say that there was an awful lot of broth left in the pan when it was time to serve. I double-checked the recipe and I followed it correctly -- I am wondering why it didn't thicken a bit more? Maybe I should have added a bit more flour toward the end? The Potato mash-up is a combination of celery root, parsnip and potato -- it tasted good albeit a bit "rooty". There was plenty left over which means I don't actually know what a "medium celery root" looks like. Still, really fun and good. I tossed a bit of the leftover broth on it (post-picture) to heighten the flavor.

I can't honestly say this was a "wow" dish and I can honestly say it doesn't replace a Thanksgiving meal. Still....quite good and another good meal from Ellie Krieger!

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